McLaughlin Family

The blog for the McLaughlin Family (Heather, Adam, Liam, Connor and Patrick)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer FUN!!!

It's hard to believe that July is almost over! The McLaughlin family has been having a lot of fun this summer. But first we'll wrap up spring sports with Connor showing off his baseball trophy!

Now take a look at the picture below.... yes, that's Liam and he is boxing a tree. This is one of his new work out routines! Adam brought home a pair of boxing gloves from a guy at work and Liam was over the moon about them. He spends almost everyday outside sparing with any old maple or spruce!

This past month I got a new camera with a little more power and control. I need to seriously get educated, but the below picture was taken on day one with the new camera.

We spend a lot of time at the beach in July. My old camera died on July 4th when we were at the Jersey shore with Heidi. Here's a picture of Heidi and Patrick before everything went south.

Then in mid July we went to Ocean City, MD for a long week-end. With a new camera in hand, well... I took quite a few pictures. Hope you enjoy them all:

Patrick has finally gotten over his fear of the water!

Liam and Connor spent a lot of time digging holes.

Some of the holes got quite elaborate.... this one incorporated a sofa and Liam is taking a nap on the sand sofa!

And Connor enjoyed catching waves on his boogie board.

Liam and Connor heading out to the waves... and, yes, that's Patrick crawling in the water (in his clothes).

A rare picture of Adam and I!

Such sweet boys....

Hope you are all having a healthy and happy summer!