McLaughlin Family

The blog for the McLaughlin Family (Heather, Adam, Liam, Connor and Patrick)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Break in Washington DC

Last week-end we travelled down to Washington, DC to visit our cousins Rick, Helen, Andrew and Matthew and to do some DC sight seeing. The cherry blossoms were in bloom and we had a great trip. The boys were very impressed with the monuments and want to know when we can go back again.
The two pictures above are taken in the new WWII, with the Washington monument in the background.

Matthew, Connor, Liam and Patrick outside the White House. Unfortunately Andrew was sick and couldn't join us.

Below is a McLaughlin family shot - which is rare!
Helen and Matthew below...
Patrick enjoying the visit with Curious George along for the ride.

Helen explaining the Viet Nam War memorial to the boys.

Relaxing back at the Larkin's house.