Summer FUN!!!
It's hard to believe that July is almost over! The McLaughlin family has been having a lot of fun this summer. But first we'll wrap up spring sports with Connor showing off his baseball trophy!
Now take a look at the picture below.... yes, that's Liam and he is boxing a tree. This is one of his new work out routines! Adam brought home a pair of boxing gloves from a guy at work and Liam was over the moon about them. He spends almost everyday outside sparing with any old maple or spruce!
This past month I got a new camera with a little more power and control. I need to seriously get educated, but the below picture was taken on day one with the new camera.
We spend a lot of time at the beach in July. My old camera died on July 4th when we were at the Jersey shore with Heidi. Here's a picture of Heidi and Patrick before everything went south.
Then in mid July we went to Ocean City, MD for a long week-end. With a new camera in hand, well... I took quite a few pictures. Hope you enjoy them all: